This is a rain or shine event! 

Baby Joggers and Strollers
If you choose to run with a baby jogger, please seed yourself toward the back of the start line.  It is your responsibility to make sure the baby jogger does not impede other runners, and you must take extra precaution to ensure your safety, your child's safety and the safety of the runners around you.  We reserve the right to pull any person from the race who is endangering other runners or themselves.

Pets are not allowed on the course. This is to ensure runner safety and comply with liability insurance policies. Service dogs are the only animals permitted. 

Refunds or Transfer
Refunds are not available for this event.  Tranfers will not be permitted beyond May 1. 

Your Race Packet

If you register prior to May 10th, your race packet will be mailed to you, free of charge. You can then pickup your t-shirt at packet pickup or on event morning at the finish line. If you register after May 10th, you may pick up your race packet and t-shirt on Saturday, May 18 from 10 am-2 pm, at Road Runner Sports, 553 Copley Drive, San Diego, CA 92111. 

For additional questions, please contact navybaybridgerun@gmail.com


ADA Compliancy
The race course is ADA Compliant. All race buses are stroller and wheelchair accessible.


Supporting Sponsors